Friday, December 12, 2008
Love and Life
I just want to thank you for creating Kaylen, for knitting her together the way you did. She is an amazing, beautiful woman. I thank you also for blessing me and allowing me to share in life with her. I would not be the person that I am now, if not for what she brings to me. I pray that you would be with us and help us to not only grow closer together, but also grow together to you. Amen
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Seeing God in the Coolest Places
I have an amazingly cool pawpaw and what's even cooler is how much of a Godly man he is. We were sitting around the table, just talking about life and everything in between, when he handed me a newspaper and started telling me about this article about some students that were taking Greek and Hebrew classes to better understand the Bible. He knew that I was also taking Greek and was fascinated about what different passages looked like in the original text. You have to know this about my pawpaw. He grew up in a family of 6 kids, down in the swamps of Louisiana, DIRT POOR, not only did he not finish high school, he never even finished 8th grade, he has worked 99% of his life in the oil field or some occupation that deals with it, the other 1% of his life was either spent on a river fishing or on a ship in the navy, his entire family is Pentecostal (or LDP), he has lost not one, but two of his three kids, and he still gets up everyday at age 69 to go to work because he doesn't want my mawmaw to every HAVE to work to support them. As we sat around that table, he told me story after story of how he would be reading his bible and pondering it's meaning, when God would speak to him and not only help him understand it, but also show him where he could apply it in his life. He told me a few stories about how he would share God's love with some of the field hands he works with everyday.
For much of my life I really didn't know much of his story. I didn't know that for much of his life he shunned everything that had to do with God because of his families background. I didn't know that one day he felt like he should take his family to this small country church because he didn't know where else to turn.
God has blessed me with an amazing family. God has blessed me with an amazing Grandfather who LOVES God and people. I only pray that one day, I will be half of the man that he is, because if that happens the Kingdom will look different.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
If you say Go, I will go....maybe
- Ever had that tugging on your heart for the nations. Ever thought that you would love to go serve lost people overseas or even hear in the states, but have no idea where to even begin. Ever thought that only if you didn't have to give up a few months of your schedule. Ever thought that mission work would be interesting, but it doesn't really fit in with your job or skill set. Well the people at RightNow may have an answer for you. Here you can freely use their program to find the right spot for you. You can select the country or area you want to serve in, the organization that you want to go with, the time frame that you have to serve, and also the different skill set that you have such as business, church planting, or even a passion for sports. RightNow then takes this information and instantly gives you agencies that need help from someone like you.
- Here is a few facts on unreached people groups I found here. There are approximetly 16,451 people groups in our world. Of those groups, 39% (6,412) consider themselves Christian, whereas 6,850 are considered to be unreached. And for me this is one of the most shocking stats: Of the 236 countries in the world, 169 (72%) are considered to be Christian, yet there are almost 7,ooo people groups who are unreached.
Just a few things that I've been looking at the past few days and thought it might make you think. Pray for the nations.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Weekend Review...a week late!
- Went to work Friday afternoon, which is usually crazy at the bank, and then grabbed some food and prepared to make the long drive to Denton. It always seems like a really long time in the car, even if your an experienced veteran like myself.
- Got up on Saturday morning (freaking early) and got to go serve with some of my friends as Overflow ministries join up with the city of Denton in an effort to clean up some of the local waterways, which means we picked up trash out of a creek. Needless to say, it was amazing to see what God is doing with that ministry. There are some amazing people involved, who really understand what it means to serve a God bigger than any of them could imagine. I love being able to go back and see what God is doing and being able to serve right alongside these people is awesome.
- Saturday afternoon was spent lounging around, helping Kaylen do some dishes, and most importantly watching The Horns absolutely dominate Arkansas. I love watching college football. It can make any day even better.
- Saturday Night was spent celebrating a birthday of a very Godly guy and close friend. A group of us traveled to Ft. Worth to enjoy some great Posados Mexican Restaurant. Can't beat Mexican food!!
- Sunday morning, Kaylen and I joined a couple friends and went to Fellowship Church. I'll be honest, this could be a blog by itself, so I'll keep it brief by saying, "I won't be back."
- Sunday afternoon I spent doing laundry and doing a little more lounging around. It was good to spend some time with Kaylen. I really miss her so every chance we get to just hang out, we usually take it.
- Sunday night I stayed around so I could attend the Sunday night service at FBCD, Overflow: The Gathering. I really enjoyed being back and hearing from Scott. He is a great communicator of the Word and I really believe God is using him in big ways there in Denton. Worship was amazing as usual. Kaleb and The Starks did a great job of leading the group into worship and are defiantly a group of guys who use their musical talents for the glory of God.
- Leaving was really hard. I'll admit there were a few teary eyes, and a few hugs/sandwiches given. I really miss those guys. I miss doing life with such a Godly group of men and women.
- I then may the drive back, getting back about 1 AM, which made for a long Monday.
That about wraps up my trip this past weekend. Be praying for Overflow ministries and the people that are involved in them. Pray that God would use them to reach not only the campuses of UNT and TWU, but the city of Denton as well.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Brownwood, TX
"....Let me just tell ya' that I am ecstatic about reading a blog of a life that takes place in Brownwood, TX. This is gonna be SUPER exciting...or maybe not." This is a quote from a comment that Nic left me a few weeks ago. This quote also sums up my past few weeks.
- When I first really felt this is were God wanted me, I'll admit, as I have numerous times, that this isn't where I wanted to be. He didn't pick a place that I thought I fit in with, a place that was where I wanted it to be.
- Summing up my HPU experience so far: Slightly mixed. I'm enjoying a few of my classes. They are causing my to view some things in a new light and are really stretching and pulling on my faith. My views are being challenged and I'm seeing Mission in a whole different way.
- On the flip side of this I'm finding out that there are some super weird people that go to this school. They are all about being super Christian, where I'm not so much. I know it will get better, but it sucks not fitting in so much right now.
- Also, I miss lost people. There are plenty of them at HPU, but I come into about 1% of them on a daily basis, if that. To be honest, I try to stay off campus as much as possible because some of the super christian on campus are harder to be around than the lost people elsewhere.
- Guess I'm just letting off some steam. Things will get better I know. Just pray that God gets me through this. I'll try to be more regular, maybe something interesting will happen around here.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Update on Life
- Got to go home and celebrate my dad's birthday. I have been blessed beyond measure with an awesome family, but specifically with a amazing Godly father. He is a great example of how a Godly man should lead his life. I hope to be the kind of dad he is when I have children.
- Work has been pretty steady. I'm getting the hang of this teller thing. A few mess up here and there, but it's not bad. Get to work with some cool people and sit around when there is nothing to do. You can't beat that!
- I got to hang out with my amazing girlfriend for a few days this past week/weekend. We really did absolutely nothing but sit around and watch the Olympics, but it was great to get to see her and spend time with her.
- Tuesday I started classes. I'll admit, I wasn't exactly ready for summer to end, but I am ready to be done with school, so you have to start some time. It has defiantly been an adventure and I know that this is just the beginning of the journey. I'm excited to see what God is going to do in this time. I've never really been one to look forward to or enjoy school and I'm still not entirely enthralled about it, but it is becoming increasingly interesting and I know that what I am doing has a purpose, which helps immensely.
I thank you for the gifts that you have given me. For the family that I have been blessed to have, for the support that they give, and the love they have for me. I thank you for my relationship with Kaylen. She is an amazing Godly woman, one that I do not deserve to have in my life. I pray that you will strengthen her and give her a peace in our time apart, and that we will learn to enjoy the time that we do get to spend together. I thank you for the Godly men and women in my life that I am blessed to call friends. They have had such a HUGE impact on my life and I don't know where I would be without them. God, I pray that you use me. Be with me and show me what you want with me. Mold and shape me into the man you would have me to be. Shine through me. Allow me to be the vessel you use to reach the nations. I love you Father.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Are You Ready For Some Football?!?!
- Watching the NFL. I'll admit I'm not a die-hard NFL fan, but I do love the Cowboys and am excited about what is going to happen with them this year.
- Friday Night Lights. How can you live in this great state and not enjoy a Friday night watching a little high school ball? I can't wait to visit some stadium and watch some great games.
- My Longhorns. Probably the team I am most passionate about. I love watching these guys play. I am usually on pins and needles while they are playing and have shed a few tears after some tough losses. I can't wait to see when that player who used to play in a town near Abilene (#12) screws up so they can put Chiles in. I can't wait to be glued to the TV watching every play.
- Lastly, and this ties in with #3, I can't wait for College Football. I love watching football on Saturday. Watching players who don't get paid, don't have giant endorsement deals, but for the most part are playing the game for the love of playing it. They are going out and laying it on the line every Saturday because they love the game. I can't wait to see the mess the BCS creates this year and who will be in and out of the polls all season long.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
The Past Few Weeks in Review
- I got a job at TexasBank as a teller. It's been interesting to say the least. I've had to learn a ton of information in a short period, but I'm getting the hang of it.
- I trying to get used to working again. The four months off were nice, but the balance of my bank account and credit card debt were not very pretty to look at, so I had to enter the workforce again.
- Last weekend I pulled off a awesome surprise on Kaylen by coming to spend the weekend in Denton with her. She was pretty freaked out when I showed up, but really happy to see me.
- We spent the weekend hanging out, moving some furniture into her new house, and doing some shopping. I had an awesome time and it was really hard to leave. Needless to say Jeff Johnson's "Glorious Day" was playing pretty loud as I left to remind me that what I was doing was what God wanted.
- Kaylen and I are defiantly feeling the impact of a long distance relationship, even though it's only been about a month. We are learning to rely on God because this is hard. We both keep reminding each other that this is where God wants us and that He is going to do incredible things through us. Pray that we find strength in him to endure this.
- School starts for me in about two weeks. I can honestly say for the first time in my life that I am excited for school to start. I know that God is going to use this experience in my life to teach me and use me in His Kingdom work.
Be with Kaylen and I as we go through this situation. Help us to rely on you. Help us to enjoy the time we do get to spend with each other. Teach us and use us for your glory. Your hand is evident in our lives. Bring people into our lives that need you, Father.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
This for me does two things:
1. It allows me to see myself on the same level as Paul. A great example I once heard is that if being in the will of God is like the ocean, we play along the beach, barely allowing ourself to get wet, while Paul is standing out in the middle allowing the waves to wash over him. But when I see that some of the same desires that I possess on a daily basis were also possessed by Paul, it lifts my spirits to push onward towards that goal.
2. Paul ends this section by saying that He feels that it is better for him to stay, and as it says in 26: "so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again." By staying here people will see Jesus in me, in us. Who knows who might see you today and see Jesus. You have a purpose. Allow others to see Jesus in you.
That is my prayer today. Move me aside. Shine through my life. Let everything I do be for you. Let me be mindful that the actions I take reflect upon you. I am nothing without you. My life is nothing without you. Lead people into your loving arms through my life Father.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"to be named at a later date"
- Spent a week on the lake hanging out with the family. We had a blast, caught absolutely no fish to speak of, learned my mom is a crazy jet ski driver, and caught a lot of sun.
- I interviewed at TexasBank after I got back and hopefully have a job there come August, but nothing is for certain. I'm in need of some major funds seeing as I'm totally broke.
- Seeing that I'm not working, I have a ton of free time and well it's been pretty boring lately. The apartment is set up and I don't really have much to do these days.
- Got to spend part of a day with my wonderful and beautiful girlfriend last Sunday evening. We met up, had dinner and caught a showing of The Dark Night. I really am missing her and any chance I get to see her is really awesome. I look forward to the next time we get to see each other.
- Sometime in all this I followed some of my close friends and jump on the Twitter bandwagon. I am now, as I was warned, addicted to it. You can see what I am up to here.
That's pretty much what I've been up to the last few weeks. I promise to update a little more frequently now that I can access the Internet more easily.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
The Facts...Plain and Simple
- Spent a few short days in Denton, hanging out with Kaylen, and packing up what was left of all my stuff.
- Saturday evening my parents came up and we packed/cleaned/played rock band at my apartment.
- Sunday morning, bright and early, we pick up and then proceeded to pack a very small UHaul with more stuff than anyone thought imaginably possible thanks to the expert packing skills my dad and I possess.
- We headed down to Goldthwaite on Sunday night and spent Monday resting up for the unpacking of that tightly packed UHaul on Tuesday.
- Tuesday morning around 7, we woke up, got breakfast, and headed off to start the process of finalizing my move to Brownwood.
- Tuesday after we were unpacked and a few members of the party went back home, my mom and I stayed to unpack, arrange, and set-up all of my stuff.
- After a few meals, a few trips to walmart and goodwill, Mom left and I went to bed after about a 17 hour day of moving.
- Today I had lunch with my MawMaw and then headed to Goldthwaite to get ready for a day of painting tomorrow at Dad's office.
- I'm spending the 4th with Kaylen/her family/most of my family and a few friends along the way. The next week will be spent on the lake as a last hoorah before I must find a job and end my summer a few weeks before planned. Hopefully this lake week will result in some good fish stories for later blogging.
Anyways, just a quick update for all the fans of the blog. Kaylen you can go back to missing me and selling your MaryKay stuff, check her out. Nic go ahead and make another Howard Payne/Brownwood joke and spend the next few moments laughing at my expense. Have a good one!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I've been down and I've been out
I'm not going to ask for patience, because I know that through you living in me I have all that I need, but I ask that you use my body for your service. I ask that through me, others would see you. That they would see Jesus. Help me to step out of my christian bubble I so often find myself in and show me how to love others as you do.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Pop the Bubble
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Would You Pray for Me?
Crack me! Break me! Consume me! Burn me! Mold and Shape me!
I am nothing.....completely and utterly nothing......without you. Help me to realize this God.
Show me Father, how to discipline myself. Lead me to that Deep, Intimate, Love relationship with you again. Make me long for you Lord. Make me hunger and thirst for you.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Summer 08
- Spent the last few days of May in Goldthwaite with my family. We celebrated my mom and sister's birthdays and also had a chance to hang out as a family.
- Attended the Memorial Day service in Killeen where a good friend, Rodney Thomas, was honored with his name and picture on the Wall of Fallen Heroes Wall. A very moving service to say the least.
- Went to graduation and saw something that I never thought would happen. Taylor actually graduating high school.
- Came back to Denton to an apartment with no Internet or Television and started the process of packing up all my crap. Hung out with some friends, but mostly got ready for the move.
- During all of these happenings, I've been trying to sign up for some college classes and get things squared away with HPU. I still don't understand why colleges have to be so frustrating.
- I'm headed down to Bwood this weekend to sign a lease on an apartment, hopefully all goes well and I have a place to stay this fall.
- The next week will be spent in Austin with the family. My dad is attending a Principal's conference and we are going to take advantage of the situation and get away for a little while.
- The third week of June will be spent at the Heart of Texas Baptist Entrapment. I'm working Pre-teen camp again this year. I have to say that I'm not too terribly excited about it this year, but hanging out with some good friends is always fun and it is always cool to see how God will move.
- I'll be back in Denton the last week of June to finish up the move. It will be bittersweet. I'm ready to move on with this phase in life that God has called me to, but in the same breath it is hard to say good-bye to some really close friends. I'm not saying good-bye for good, but it will be different not seeing them as often as I am use to.
- Among all this, I'm trying to squeeze in some summer school, so that I can raise my GPA a few points. I really don't know how this is going to work out, but it should be interesting to say the least.
Well that all I've got for now. I'll be keeping you up to date on the happenings this summer. Pray for me as the weeks go by.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Nothing like home...I guess
I'm really excited to see that some of my friends have entered the blogging world and can't wait to see what ideas/topics/random stuff comes from them as the days go by. You should check out their pages as well in my links column. Pray for them as they go through their daily struggles and that they would live their lives, not for themselves, but for Christ.
Kaylen and I have started doing a devotional together. It was recommended by some awesome friends. It's been an interesting experience thus far and I'm very excited to see what God has in store for us as we move down this journey together. Pray for us that we can learn and grow closer to God together.
The past couple of weeks have been stressful and the events of this last week really relieved some of that pressure but I know that there is more to come. I've really come to understand just how much I've been blessed to have the friends and family that I have. Pray that God continues to use me and that I allow myself to be used.
Monday, May 19, 2008
It's all part of the plan!!
"He has made everything beautiful in his time" Ecc. 3:11
Help me to realize that things don't run on my schedule. Help me to see that you have made things beautiful in your time and not mine. Give me patience and understanding in this mess that I call a life. Amen.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
It's a Family Tradition

This has been a very eventful weekend. I have to say that one of my favorite things to do is to head down to Austin one of the first weekends in May and watch some great athletes run in the State Track Meet. I also enjoy this weekend because I get to spend it with my family. Here's an update on how the weekend went:
- Drove the three hours from Denton (always fun) and got to G-Town on Thursday afternoon.
- Friday around lunch we loaded up and made the trip to Austin, making stops along the way to do some shopping.
- After checking-in at our hotel, Dad and I headed off to the stadium to watch the 3A and 4A portion of the meet.
- We got in to the meet and headed to our favorite spot in front of the pole vault pits. We were then joined by some good friends and got to watch a good bunch of running.
- We left later that night and along the road home, got some good Freebirds, and then got some good rest for our day at the meet on Saturday.
- Saturday morning got off to an abrupt start with the fact that we had NO hot water in our room. The hotel hotwater heater was out and we were all forced to take COLD showers.
- We were told that they were trying to fix the problem and decided to head off to the meet and hope they had it fixed by the time we got back.
- We got some food, sunscreened up, and got set for what was to be one of the hottest days yet. We watched a good meet, sweated alot of sweat, and got a little burned by the sun, but for the most part had a really good time.
- Then it got busy. We got back to the hotel looking for a shower and rest before dinner, but were met with a suprise. The hotel hadn't finished fixing the hot water and offered us a discount on the rooms. We then took our tired bodies and move our stuff to a new hotel.
- After a much needed HOT shower, we go grab some ice cream from coldstone, and did a little more shopping.
- Sunday we got up, packed up, and headed off to get some cajun food for lunch and had a little celebration for my mom. We then headed to Cove to see my uncle and granny. We got home Sunday evening just in time for a little rest before starting another week.
I've been going to this meet since I was in the 2nd grade, missing only three years. It's always been something that i've looked forward to doing. It started as a father-son thing and evolved into a family thing a few years later. Being able to spend that time with my dad is always something that I will treasure. It's not everyday that you get to spend time with a Dad like mine, doing something you love. My Dad is one of my biggest heroes and is an inspiration as a godly man. Spending time with him, watching a sport that we both love, is such a joy.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
New Starts, Life, and a Funeral for me
I don't even really know where to start. I was sitting in my bed, doing a short devotional tonight/this morning, and I started thinking about where I am with God. There are so many times when I feel totally disconnected from him and even start to wonder if he really is there. I've come to this point numerous times in my spiritual journey and can never figure out how I get out of this feeling alone or why I keep coming back to this point. Then I am reminded of the numerous times I have been told that I should be journaling my experiences and that by doing this I can look back on where I have been and this will help me move forward. So I pull out a notebook and a pen and look at the blank page. "I can't write all this stuff going on in my head" I say to myself, "there is too much to write and I don't want to spend the time physically writing all this stuff down." So then I realize that I should type it on my laptop, and off of that thought comes one that I should blog. Just to make it clear, (even though it's pretty evident seeing my number of blogs) that I am completely horrible at this blog thing. I'm pretty sure nobody will read them. I look at people who blog almost everyday and wonder where they find the time, but then I look at myself and the stuff that I do everyday and see that I totally have the time to do this. So all that being said, I'm going to ATTEMPT to be more consistent with this. No promises are being made, but I really feel that this is going to help me (and maybe some of you) move along this spiritual journey.
So to catch everybody up on what's been going on in my life over the past year (yeah it's been that long), I moved out of the dorms in May of 2007 into my first apartment. YEAH for me! Anyways, I lived in Denton over the summer and found out just how much fun life can be and suck at the same time when you don't live with your parents. I spent the first part of the summer working some summer camps and just basically living it up with my friends. Then in July, I got a job working in Arlington/Lewisville, making sandwiches at a place called Firehouse Subs. Not too bad a job, or so it seemed at the time, and it was paying the bills. I was working with my roommate at the time and things were going pretty good. Then before I knew it the summer was gone and I was back in school. I had started to work my way into a few of my major classes and thought that things were going pretty much the way that I had planned for them to go. This is the point where God steps in and changes things up completely. I didn't find anything I was learning enjoyable and dreaded every class that pertained to my major. I was doing horrible in school and the stress of it was killing me. I didn't understand. This is what I wanted, this is what God wanted, but it wasn't and I knew it. I was to the point of running from God. I had made up my mind that I wanted to finish school, become a basketball coach in a small town, have a house out in the country, raise a few kids, and enjoy life with my wife. I would follow through with God's plan by doing all this. The only problem was that these plans that I had made, they didn't at all involve God. They were what I wanted for my life to become. They were what I had envisioned as being the perfect life.
I've felt God calling me to a life of missions for some time now. I never really understood quite what that meant but I knew that this was definitely what God wanted from me. I ran from it, literally as far as I could. I tried to get away, but the funny thing about God is that you can't get away. He is always there. Waiting on you to come back. Knowing all along that you will be back, and in the weakness that brings you back, he will make you strong.
I told my parents before Christmas of 2007 that I felt that God wanted me in the mission field. I told them that I was considering changing school and looking for a college that would help prepare me for my journey with God in the mission field. I move into an apartment by myself, signed a short lease that would allow me to move out after the Spring semester, signed up for a few basic courses, and started the process of looking for that perfect school that would be exactly where God wanted me. I had just one thing that I did not want to see happen. I DID NOT....IN ANY WAY......NOT EVEN CLOSE.....want to attend Howard Payne University. It's too close to home and i'll get made fun of by my close friends if I go there. So I started looking at other colleges. I look far and wide. In state, out of state, Baptist, non-denominational, bible college, mission college, I looked everywhere. I visited a few, talked to a few on the phone, spent a ton of time on the internet looking. People would help me, by telling me of different ones that they had heard of or knew something about. I would look, maybe even become interested in a place, and then something would go wrong. They wouldn't believe the way I did, the school cost too much, the program had way too many hours, I didn't see eye-to-eye with the staff at the school, they didn't have the programs I was looking for......the list could go on forever. So after getting tired of my parents asking, I visited Howard Payne. We took a tour (I'd seen it before), we talked with Financial aid (they told us nothing new), I got a T-Shirt(wooo), and then right before we left, I got to meet some of the professors, specifically the one that would be dealing with me. I made my decisions based on two things she said: 1. That we want to not only invest in your life through your education, but also through where you go after you leave us, and 2. That we aren't always about the theology of it all, but are about loving people the way Jesus loves them. I was sold. If anybody could some up the way I view ministry, it's with that. Loving people the way Jesus loves them. I didn't want to go to Howard Payne, I'm still not sure I do, but God wants me to. I don't want to leave all my Denton friends, Overflow ministries, my girlfriend that I love with all my heart, but God wants me to. It's been tough. I don't like it sometimes. It would be so much easier to just do it the way I want to do it, but that's not what it's about. It's about obediance to Christ. And so i've come to this conclusion: It's Not About Me.
Ponder that statement. Does you life look like mine did (and still does sometimes)? Do you make it about you? Or something bigger than you?