Thursday, July 24, 2008

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I often find myself pondering what Heaven will be like when we get there and this always leads to a yearning to go Home. To have no troubles, pain, suffering, hardships. To be with our King for Eternity. Every time I find myself in this situation I am drawn back to Philippines where Paul writes: "To live is Christ to Die is gain." But last night as I was reading through, God brought to my mind the verses that follow 1:21. In these verses Paul talks about how he is torn between the two. He longs to leave this earth and be with his Heavenly Father, but realizes that at this present time it is more necessary to be on earth, serving.

This for me does two things:
1. It allows me to see myself on the same level as Paul. A great example I once heard is that if being in the will of God is like the ocean, we play along the beach, barely allowing ourself to get wet, while Paul is standing out in the middle allowing the waves to wash over him. But when I see that some of the same desires that I possess on a daily basis were also possessed by Paul, it lifts my spirits to push onward towards that goal.
2. Paul ends this section by saying that He feels that it is better for him to stay, and as it says in 26: "so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again." By staying here people will see Jesus in me, in us. Who knows who might see you today and see Jesus. You have a purpose. Allow others to see Jesus in you.

That is my prayer today. Move me aside. Shine through my life. Let everything I do be for you. Let me be mindful that the actions I take reflect upon you. I am nothing without you. My life is nothing without you. Lead people into your loving arms through my life Father.

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