Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Summer 08

First off let me apologize for the recent blogging silence. I'm currently without Internet and am actually stealing Kaylen's Internet to write this blog. It's already proving to be a busy summer and I haven't really even started yet. Here's an update on what's been going on thus far and what's to come:
  • Spent the last few days of May in Goldthwaite with my family. We celebrated my mom and sister's birthdays and also had a chance to hang out as a family.
  • Attended the Memorial Day service in Killeen where a good friend, Rodney Thomas, was honored with his name and picture on the Wall of Fallen Heroes Wall. A very moving service to say the least.
  • Went to graduation and saw something that I never thought would happen. Taylor actually graduating high school.
  • Came back to Denton to an apartment with no Internet or Television and started the process of packing up all my crap. Hung out with some friends, but mostly got ready for the move.
  • During all of these happenings, I've been trying to sign up for some college classes and get things squared away with HPU. I still don't understand why colleges have to be so frustrating.
  • I'm headed down to Bwood this weekend to sign a lease on an apartment, hopefully all goes well and I have a place to stay this fall.
  • The next week will be spent in Austin with the family. My dad is attending a Principal's conference and we are going to take advantage of the situation and get away for a little while.
  • The third week of June will be spent at the Heart of Texas Baptist Entrapment. I'm working Pre-teen camp again this year. I have to say that I'm not too terribly excited about it this year, but hanging out with some good friends is always fun and it is always cool to see how God will move.
  • I'll be back in Denton the last week of June to finish up the move. It will be bittersweet. I'm ready to move on with this phase in life that God has called me to, but in the same breath it is hard to say good-bye to some really close friends. I'm not saying good-bye for good, but it will be different not seeing them as often as I am use to.
  • Among all this, I'm trying to squeeze in some summer school, so that I can raise my GPA a few points. I really don't know how this is going to work out, but it should be interesting to say the least.

Well that all I've got for now. I'll be keeping you up to date on the happenings this summer. Pray for me as the weeks go by.

1 comment:

Nic Burleson said...

Good update...and i laugh every time i read something you write about going to HPU or moving to deadwood.