Monday, October 16, 2006

The Way We Worship

Man this week has been really stressful. I have had a ton of homework, and a couple tests to study for. It sometimes seems like it can be too much at times. This Sunday, as I walked into our Sunday night Overflow service, I was just feeling tired from the stress of last week and trying to prepare myself for what I had to do this week. I didn't really talk to many people before hand and just kinda sat there wishing I had stayed in bed. But then as the band started to play, I decided to stand up and sing a little to maybe pick up my spirits. I sang along with most of the three or four songs, but really didn't put a whole lot of emphasis into it. Then Scott came up to give his message for the week and started it off by saying that he had been really busy this week and that God had really been laying something on his heart and he felt like God wanted him to say something to this group. He read the passage out of Isaiah, where Isaiah has a vision that he is in the presence of God and realizes that he is unclean. He talked about how most times when we come in the presence of God, we don't humble ourselves and see ourselves as unclean before the perfectness (if that's a word) that is God. I really felt like God was talking to me, because usually (and I guess, at times, most of the church does this) I just sing the songs I know or that I like but really it shouldn't be about the songs that we sing but who we are singing them to. So after Scott was done and the band began to play, I knelt down before God Almighty and humbled myself before him. After I did this, I had a new sense of passion. It didn't matter that I can't sing at all or that I didn't know two of the songs that we were singing, all that mattered was that I was truly worshiping the One true God. After that, yeah I knew I had a busy week ahead, but it was more bearable because my passion and desires weren't for me but for God.


Nic Burleson said...

H haven't heard from ya in a while in blogger world...How are things?

Nic Burleson said...


Anonymous said... are such an encouragement. i will definitely miss you next year but i can't wait to hear (or read) how God is working in your life. i will pray for you.

love you,