Thursday, March 08, 2007

How _____ is our God!!!

How _____ is our God, Sing with me How _____ is our God,and all will see How _____, How _____Is our God. I mean really, are we calling the God that created the universe, the skies, the very earth we stand upon, the air we breathe, and everything else, great. The hamburger I had for lunch was great, Kevin Durant is a great basketball player, but to put the God we worship into comparison with that by saying he is great seems to me that we are selling him short. It's like we put him in this box, and say here you are God, be great. Do what we want, help us when we need help, and just stay out of the rest of our lives, that would just be great. I guess it's just a frustrating thing that I have been thinking about lately, so I thought I would share it with you. Sorry it's has been so long since I've blogged, but since Nic threatened me, I figured I would start back up and try to be a little more consistent.


Nic Burleson said...

SSSSPPPPEEEEEGGGGLLLLEEEE!!!!!!!!!!You are alive in blog world! Happy to see ya' back bro...Keep it up. Good blog too man. I think we should reserve some words in the English language just for God, but I don't get to make the rules...Good thoughts though bro.

Nic Burleson said...
